purpose of life is joy


How to : Copy a file from local machine to Hadoop remote server using putty?

Currently, Im working on Big data and Hadoop. I was trying to connect and test with Hadoop server using putty instead of VM. very basic challenge I faced was copying from local to remote Hadoop server using putty.But there is no direct option to upload from putty GUI user interface. hence I stuck in the middle of copying files to Hadoop server. then after a long find, I got one simple solution to upload files using putty command line which is working absolutely fine. Please follow the below simple steps Download Putty : Download putty from http://www.putty.org/ website for windows. Install Putty in your windows OS Go to run and type cmd to open command prompt. Run the below command with parameters pscp [localpathfilename] [loginname]@[servernameIP]:[serverpath] you can check the copied file by login to the server using putty again.

How to : rename the existing page under blogger in 5 steps?

There is no option to rename a blogger page as like any file name in OS... But then ..how? There is a simple trick to do that.. By default, blogger takes the name of the page from first line of the content. So.. here, technically, we aren't renaming the file rather we are creating new page with file name by following the below steps. Step 1: Create a new page under blogger. Step 2: Type a desired name on the first row that you want to name the page. ( Important step) Step 3: Save and Publish Step 4: Copy the content from old file and paste it in new page. if you want, you can  delete the name that you have added in Step 2. Step 5: Delete the old file. That's it. your new page is ready. I have done it for one of my blog. Implement and share your feedback.

How to : Clear/Delete History in Browsers?

Very Simple steps to clear or delete history in browsers. sometimes, it may differ from OS to OS. but you can follow the below ground rules. Firefox 3.7 & Above : Click on Menus : History>Show All History>Under Library Click on the period you want to delete. > Right click on item and choose delete. Chrome Browser : Click on wrench icon>choose History item>Click on Edit item on right top>Clear all browsing data. Internet Explorer: Click on Internet Options from Menu>Click on delete under Browsing History Panel. Happy Surfing and cleaning

Tricks : Convert HTML Text to Image in ASP.NET

Normally, We can easily convert text into image thru .net system.drawing namespace and their methods. but converting the HTML to Image in asp.net is bit a tricky one. Why it is so tricky? Good question. right? Trickiness is lying in-terms of output. The outcome of the image exactly should matches whatever you see that in your browser. I.e. WYSIWYG. [More]

Tips : Sending emails with custom name instead of sender email in asp.net

While sending mails using system.net from asp.net, mail inbox always shows as username@domainname.com. This may not looks good and also not user-friendly to the users. [More]

Tips : Not Just search and email. What else we have in Google?

when we say Google, we always remembered by search engine and email. but there are lots of services provided by Google which we may not aware of. I have put it down few Google services by them [More]

How to : read twitter RSS feed for my account?

very simply mechanism to to read twitter RSS feed for my account. there is simple API provided by the twitter to read our account RSS feed. [More]
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