purpose of life is joy


How to : convert a string content to native data type in C#

Most of the .NET data type having the TryParse method. This method will take input of the string and try to convert the value to the base type if it is successful, it ll return the converted value into out parameter and returns boolean value. This method will be helpful at the time of converting a string to a specific data type. [More]

Tips : Sending emails with custom name instead of sender email in asp.net

While sending mails using system.net from asp.net, mail inbox always shows as username@domainname.com. This may not looks good and also not user-friendly to the users. [More]

Financial Freedom : Best learning point from corporate life

I learnt that corporate life and dreams can never meet. Because when they meet, both will lose their meaning. But still i'll be working.... Dreaming..... And back to work again. [More]

Freebies : eBooks from Microsoft Press

Recently, there are free eBooks available for public from Microsoft Press. This is especially for people who love Windows Server, Windows Store, Windows OS, Programming and Windows Mobile. [More]

How to : Use conditional WHERE clause using CASE statement in MS SQL Query

Adding case statement in where clause sometime we may not get the exact output we required. some solution suggested to add or condition instead of using case statement which again not giving desired results. but one solution I have found using case statement in where clause in reverse way. [More]
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