purpose of life is joy


How to : delete all stored procedures, views, functions and tables from MS SQL?

This SP delete all the SPs, Views, Functions and Tables from your database in a minute. [More]

How to : find a specific text inside a stored procedures, functions and views

Finding a specific text across the entire database is very difficult. you can use the smart SQL statement which will bring you the procedures list in-front of you. [More]

How to : Create strongly typed generic session helper in C#?

Writing session code in ASP.NET is easy. but to organize and maintain is very difficult. To overcome that in one of our project, we have decided to created a generic Session Handler. This will replace the session keyword across the project. instead, this static session helper allow us to create session across the different pages by way of single static helper class. Here is the generic class for you. [More]


REST (40 years old HTTP style)- Unique Identifier.- Uniform interfaces.- Resource- Representation- Stateless

Classifications of Design Patterns

Design patterns are recurring solutions to software design problems you find again and again in real-world application development. Patterns are about design and interaction of objects, as well as providing a communication platform concerning elegant, reusable solutions to commonly encountered programming challenges. [More]

How to : create Infinite scroll in Javascript for Google Reader

this article talks about infinite scroll in JavaScript. this JS reads the data from Google reader in a infinite mode to load the content on demand. this ll improve performance of the page load. [More]

Welcome to my first blog

This is my first personal blog site and I'm trying to give as much as valuable information and inputs to you all on Programming and Web Design, Tools and Technology. Please provide inputs to fine tune this blog make it better for you all. - balavanchi [More]
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